Friday, November 14, 2008

views of the clinic

Well, you have seen pictures of the trip out here, at least all that I was allowed to let you see, and some of the housing we have had to stay in. Now I will show you some pictures of our clinic. It is not much but it works for us.

Here's a look at the front T-walls that protect the front door. I would say that I painted that picture but you probably know that I can't paint let alone draw. Pretty nice painting don't you think? You see the red cross?The crescent moon is the islamic symbol for medicine. They aren't Christians so they don't use the red cross.

And here is our front door. Just beyond these doors is all the free care you could ever want. Look how inviting, a palm branch swaying in the breeze. Who wouldn't want to come on in. Wait a minute, maybe we need to change it so it's less inviting???

This is one of our ambulances. This is just for our clinic. There's an ambulance service that covers our side of the base that is separate from our clinic. The one you see here is for sole use of our clinic. We use it for hospital transports mostly, but also may use it for small runs to the hospital with labs or xrays. We have all of our xrays overread by radiology at the hospital. Nice huh.

Here are a few pictures of the providers lounge. Note on the door a big shout out to our dawgs, Butler!

Here's a look at two guys, Travis and Mike just standing around while Dr. Baez is hard at work, or at least pretends to be. He's probably reading his email.

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