Sunday, November 16, 2008

Veteran's day

Here are a few pictures of Veteran's Day. There were a few guys that did this painting and they got it done in about a week. They did an excellent job! I wish I knew their names so I could give them props but it will just have to suffice that I will have to anonymously thank them.
Here are some other pictures of a hugh USA flag that they hung. I wanted to climb up and hang from the ropes but the Ugandan's would have probably shot me down. There was a 5K that started and finished from this point. I would have liked to have ran in it but I had to work the morning of so I didn't get a chance. Oh well. These pictures were quite a site! Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Tim, me and Jeff

Me and Jeff standing in front of the flag. Two good looking dudes huh?

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